Not to be argumentative, but... :-) I spent over 25 years building and playing classic guitars, and this "theorobed guitar" is a member of the lute family, beyond doubt... But, call it as you will, and no doubt Stephen and Sandi are correct looking from their background. This stuff greatly depends upon which expert is looking at it... :-)

-----Original Message----- From: David van Ooijen
Sent: Monday, August 29, 2011 5:21 AM
Subject: [LUTE] Re: long strings?

Their tiorbino (Theorbo Bass Lute small ...) has (Stephen and Sandi's)
description of the theorbood guitar (Theorbo Bass Lute medium). It
even comes with Fontanelli's music!

David - enough of this nonsense, back to work

David van Ooijen

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