    they told me that 442 is becoming the standard concert pitch in
   Ever rising. One of the modern orchestras I play with is at 446 for
   quite awhile already. But in the early music orchestras I meet anything
   from 392 (Gilles' Requiem last month) to 466 for Monteverdi. And, yes,
   Mozart and 19th century music seems to have a modern standard at 430.
   Quite a bother to have a mixed programme with a different pitch before
   and after the break. Anyway, it's good to have standards, as it makes
   life for all of us instrumentalists so much easier.
   Oh, much of the metal and steelstring-pop is at 415, for at least half
   a century already. So we'll need a double set of guitars for that
   repertoire too.


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