just for your information, I have a Tiorbino made by Colin Everett in
   Ottawa.. I tune it at standard Renaissance pitch (like a regular lute)
   my 7th through 13th course ( I don,t have 14 courses on this
   instrument, although Colin also made 14 courses) are singles and I have
   recently and successfully used Mimmo Peruffo's loaded Nylgut from 5th
   course down.. ( 5th and 6th in octaves)
   Bruno Cognyl-Fournier
   (Montreal, Quebec)

   2017-06-05 15:47 GMT-04:00 Anthony Hart

        A question about tiobino. The Cleveland Tiorbino on Wayne's site
        6 +8. The bases are single strung. What is the opinion of this
     set up?
        If the basses are double should they be unison or octaves?
        There was a question earlier of the thiness of the 'b' (3rd). If
        tension is reduced then this becomes   a standard thickness. I
        calculated on 20/25 N, this was the tension recommended by Martin
        Shepherd for Liuto   attiobato, which is the same size
        Any suggestions welcome.
        Thanks and best wishes
        Anthony Hart
        Anthony Hart   MSc, LLCM,ALCM.
        Musicologist   and   Independent   Researcher
        Highrise Court 'B', Apt 2, Tigne' Street, Sliema, SLM3174, MALTA
        Mob: [3]+356 9944 9552.
        e-mail:   [2][4]resea...@antoninoreggio.com; web:
        NEW   Publications:   EDIZIONE   ANTONINO   REGGIO
        -   [4][6]www.edizionear.com
        for information and special offer
        1. mailto:[7]anthony.hart1...@gmail.com
        2. mailto:[8]resea...@antoninoreggio.com
        3. [9]http://www.monsignor-reggio.com/
        4. [10]http://www.edizionear.com/
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  11. http://www.cs.dartmouth.edu/~wbc/lute-admin/index.html

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