Those canzonas, etc. by Gabrieli et al. are often for two choirs.  So
   the colors might differentiate the two  You could check by looking at
   the pieces in their original pitch notation (many modern editions;
   IMSLP???).   Would the player vary his touch to differentiae the two?
   Methinks you should indicate the red ciphers in your transcription.
   >r    r<   [>r = red ciphers]
   Someone (Petrucci??? or Spanish?) published tablatures with single line
   in red.  That was for the voice to sing to the lute.  Both reading from
   the tablature!
   -----Original Message-----
   From: Sarge Gerbode <>
   Cc: lute net <>; LSA President
   Sent: Sun, Aug 23, 2020 1:22 pm
   Subject: [LUTE] Red notes in Eysert
   After putting out the first 50 pages of the Eysert Lute Book, I realize
   that I have ignored the red notes, figuring that they were faded ink or
   a meaningless idiosyncrasy of the scribe.  But now I am wondering if
   they do, in fact, actually mean something. fronimo can do red notes,
   so... Anybody have any thoughts about this?
   On 8/23/2020 9:12 AM, David Smith wrote:
   > Nancy,
   > I want to strongly encourage the direction you are taking with LSA
   taking over responsibility for continuing Wayne's work. I run a number
   of sites for non-profits and have run for the EDA industry
   (until we shut it down). It is really important for the work to be an
   organizations instead of an individual. That helps to ensure continuity
   and makes it easier to find.
   > I have strongly considered offering to take over the mailing list,
   tab software archives, mailing archives, lutes for sale, etc... But, I
   have not done so since I did not want it to be an individual effort.
   > Wayne, thank you so much for all that you have done. It has been of
   immense help over the years to so many people. A great testimony to
   your love and dedication to the lute and its community.
   > Regards
   > David Smith
   > -----Original Message-----
   > From: [1]
   <[2]> On Behalf Of Nancy Carlin
   > Sent: Sunday, August 23, 2020 8:33 AM
   > Cc: lute net <[3]>; LSA President
   > Subject: [LUTE] Re: The lute list is retiring soon
   > I think the LSA might be able to take over the lutes for sale and
   lute list from Wayne. I am checking with people now and hopefully we
   can get this organized ASAP.  We will have a new LSA website this fall
   - it has taken quite a while to get our site re-organized to make it
   more useful, The new site will include things like our Facsimiles
   Collection in a more easily searchable format, as well as archives of
   all old LSA publications.
   > Nancy
   >>>     I have been running this lute mail list since 1998, and it has
   >>> been interesting and fun.  Now I am retiring from my job at
   >>> College, and when I retire the computers that I have run will be
   >>> down.  This includes the  mail servers that run the lute mail list.
   >>> So it is time to retire from running the lute mail list too.  I
   >>> also be closing my lute web page, my lute tablature page, and
   >>> For Sale" web page.
   >>>     If someone wants to take up running the lute mail list I
   >>> that they announce it on my list in the next month, while my list
   >>> still running.  My list runs using software that I wrote, and I
   >>> recommend that someone else try to use it.  I don't know the last
   >>> yet, but I will make an announcement when my list actually closes.
   >>>      Wayne
   >>> To get on or off this list see list information at
   >>> [5]
   > --
   > Nancy Carlin
   > PO Box 6499
   > Concord, CA 94524
   > USA
   > 925 / 686-5800




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