+1, sure.

Paulo Lieuthier

On 06/20/2015 11:53 AM, Jerome Leclanche wrote:
> Hi list
> For a fairly long time I've been meaning for us to clean up our
> license headers. They're currently all over the place - some files not
> displaying the proper license, etc.
> As I was saying yesterday on IRC, what matters (unless *explicitly
> specified*) is the license of the project, as specified in the
> To restore the order, I suggested a short, global license header which
> would apply to *all* files and never change. It doesn't specify
> copyright years, authors, anything like that - just redirects to an
> AUTHORS file for authorship, and a LICENSE file for license text.
> This is something we've looked into and put in action previously for
> the Pootle project. The *GPL license header is there to identify the
> license for standalone distributed files. As most of our files in all
> our projects are completely irrelevant standalone, we can explicitly
> direct onlookers to other files without spelling everything out in the
> file itself.
> This is the current proposal for the license header:
> /*
> * Copyright (c) LXQt contributors.
> *
> * This file is part of the LXQt project. <http://lxqt.org>
> * It is distributed under the LGPL 2.1 or later license.
> * Please refer to the LICENSE file for a copy of the license, and
> * the AUTHORS file for copyright and authorship information.
> */
> An initial PR, affecting just lxqt-about, was filed by @agaida here:
>    https://github.com/lxde/lxqt-about/pull/12
> Please leave any comments, objections or +1s you may have there. If
> you are a core contributor to LXQt please consider this a request,
> it's important to have everybody's greenlight on this and we'd like to
> land it asap (and in 0.10).
> As a personal note, this is a practice I'd like to see other projects
> adopt. License headers are an ugly, unnecessary mess. They tend to be
> outdated very quickly and are more often than not misleading. Shorter,
> cleaner license headers that do not need to be updated are better for
> everybody.
> J. Leclanche

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