No worries, the feedback is appreciated.

One of my goals was to explicitly avoid listing authors in files
because of how ambiguous the rules are on it. First, there's the
obvious case of what you hold copyright *on*. The file? The lines you
wrote/modified? What if you only fixed a couple of typos? What if you
rewrote the entire file - can previous authors hold copyright over
something where none of their work still exists? What if the structure
still exists but the code doesn't? etc...

I'm hoping an AUTHORS file could solve this in three ways at once:
 - Maintain a centralized list of authors which is regularly updated
(eg. every release)
 - Allow a header for prominent contributors (eg. maintainers, large
contributors, sponsors etc)
 - Officially defer to `git blame` and `git log` for true copyright ownership.

Maybe it's specifically the line "Copyright (c) LXQt contributors"
that's making people uneasy. I'd be OK with taking it out entirely, as
the rest of the header already defers to the AUTHORS file for
copyright information.

On 20 August 2015 at 07:30, <> wrote:
> 2015-08-19 21:13 GMT+02:00 Jerome Leclanche <>:
>> Once again:
>>  * This is not a relicensing. This is a cleanup. Copyright and
>> licenses will not change.
>>  * Our current headers are broken. New files get added in all the time
>> with incorrect or outdated copyright notices. Some completely new
>> files are still referencing Razor-qt.
>>  * As long as we are inconsistent with our headers, this will keep
>> happening. The rules are unclear right now and the goal is to clarify
>> them *and* make them simpler.
>> I'm dropping this for now due to negative feedback. I'll have a new
>> and more detailed draft up in the coming weeks on this which we'll be
>> able to discuss then. I understand the concerns raised here but
>> please, remember that what we have currently is a lot worse.
> Hi Jerome
> Please don't take what I've said as a criticism of your efforts. I agree
> that the situation we have now is unsustainable and your work is much
> appreciated.
> Here's a proposal you may consider when doing that draft. It is
> intentionally minimalistic:
> /*
> * Copyright (c) {list of authors for *this* file}
> *
> * This file is part of the LXQt project. <>
> * It is distributed under the LGPL 2.1 or later license.
> * Please refer to the LICENSE file for a copy of the license.
> */
> Information about who is contributing to LXQt should be on the web site
> (
> br. Chr.

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