On Fri, 20 Aug 1999 21:58:51 +0100, Arnd Hanses wrote:

>What I found was that the commands passed to gs appear to work: 
>The inline figure is printed to screen on my box when the exact
>commands as passed by LyX are given to gs in an xterm, though the
>printed figure immediately disappears from the screen when gs exits...
>But LyX's own Xdisplay space for painting seems to be blocked for gs.

There is still something, which does confuse me:
        Those are the gs commands as issued by LyX:
starting gs d:/tmp/lyx_tmp938aaa/~lyxgs938.ps
D:/xfree86/lib/x11/lyx/doc/mobius.eps, pid: 938
Command for starting ghostscript: 
-r31.782x31.443 -g162x69 d:/tmp/lyx_tmp938aaa/~lyxgs938.ps
D:/xfree86/lib/x11/lyx/doc/mobius.eps showpage.ps quit.ps -GS [940]
Setting buffer in BufferView
  Buffer addr: 6772896
tmpwin: 37748825
window: 37748825
work_area_focus: 1
lyx_focus      : 0
ClientMessage, win:[xx] gs:[67108866] pm:[37748877]
ClientMessage, win:[xx] gs:[62914562] pm:[37748884]
tmpwin: 37748825
        The file ~lyxgs938.ps contains the following:
gsave clippath pathbbox grestore
4 dict begin
/ury exch def /urx exch def /lly exch def /llx exch def
81 34.5 translate
0 rotate
-81 -34.5 translate
0.441417 0.436709 scale
0 0 translate
        When starting gs with this command in an xterm, mobius.eps is
displayed for a short moment, then it disappears.
For further info I used 

        D:/USR/SHARE/4.03/gs -sDEVICE=x11 -dNOPAUSE -dSAFER -dBATCH
-dQUIET -r31.782x31.443 -g162x69 d:/tmp/lyx_tmp938aaa/~lyxgs938.ps
D:/xfree86/lib/x11/lyx/doc/mobius.eps showpage.ps

omitting 'quit.ps'.

Now mobius is displayed for a short moment, but disappears immediately
the gs-window remains open. Is this the expected behaviour or the
result of a
subtle bug in gs?

At least no more crashes :)


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