Dekel Tsur <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

| There are two problems with numbers in Hebrew:
| 1. In the LaTeX output, the number should be enclosed by \beginL / \endL
| (e.g., \beginL 123 \endL).
| 2. While writing the text, you should not press a special key for telling the
| editor when you are starting/ending a number. Instead, it should be done
| automatically (the Unicode standard defines the rules for deciding when a number
| starts/ends).
| For example, typing 'abc 123.' [suppose that a,b,c are Hebrew letters], then the
| period is not part of the number, and the result on screen should be
|    .123 cba
| But when typing 'abc 123.4' then the period is part of the number, and the
| result should be
|    123.4 cba
| The purpose of the InsetNumber is taking care of (1) & (2).
| Now, because of the bugs (sorry, missing features :) in the InsetText,
| I began coding a different solution for numbers (without the number inset):
| I've added a field named 'number' to the FontBits structure which stores
| whether the text belongs to a number. The code for (2) is in LyXText::InsertChar.
| It appears to work better than the number inset, but I need to do more
| checks.

We really don't want to put to many features into LyXFont. If I
understand you correctly you want to mark the string "123" to be a
number and appropriate action taken when exporting/printing etc.

To me this seems very similar to marking "Norway" as a country. Also
marking "Lars" as noun is the same thing. And if this has not be
stated lately: We really want "noun" styl removed from the font and
put into some other better machinery.

The only difference I see between the number thingie and the one above
is that the numbers should be done(?) automatically.


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