Allan Rae <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

| This number business is just a rtl-ltr language switch that Dekel wants
| automatically handled.

This is not quite how I understood it. To me it seemd like an
additional font attribute that said that "this is a number", then the
needed machinery to output the rtl commands would also be added. I am
not sure if automatic detection of numbers and automatically set the
"number" attribute was wanted.

|  If we don't already then we should support a
| simple way of toggling between rtl and ltr (with a default document
| language for each of these).  Once the toggling is supported we can then
| look at how to automate identifying numbers and drawing them appropriately
| on screen (ie. is it a number, yes, switch to rtl if necessary, is the
| next keystroke a character, yes, switch back to previous rtl-ltr state and
| adjust '.' if needed).  But I would think that programming "F10" as
| "toggle-rtl-ltr" would be more useful in general.

I think the rtl<->ltr togglink is already implemented.

| A TextAttributes class (maybe with a different name) was proposed for the
| last lyx tree and once again I'll offer my support for it.

We had something that we called "CharParams", seems to be the
beginning of what I put forward in prev mail.

I see that the CharParams we added just contained a LyXFont and a
language string.

| Allan. (ARRae)

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