Okay, I finally got arabic sort of working in latex, but the debian packages don't seem to be in such great shape yet. First of all, it was looking for Arabicore.sty, when in fact I have arabicore.sty (a legacy from non-case-sensitive OSes...?); and I'm getting a conflict between arabi and arabtex, so at the moment I only have arabi installed.
Anyhow, at least I can try some of these things out now, see below...

Uwe Stöhr wrote:
Dov Feldstern schrieb:

Uwe, what are you basing this claim on?
 > And how do you know that it
 > doesn't really work?

Test out the small TeX-file in
When you use Hebrew additionally it works.

The file as it is doesn't compile. I believe the babel line should read:

Then it works (with the beginR, endR stuff). But no need to define hebrew anywhere...

I also looked at the source code of babel and the command \R is only defined when Hebrew is used.
(I reported this also to the babel maintainer.)
The LaTeX companion also only mention \R for Hebrew.
The package arabi that is used for Farsi and Arabic states that one has to use \AR and \FR, so I'm absolutely sure that I'm correct.

Regarding the \R vs. \AR --- I believe that is Arabi-specific. It certainly makes sense to have the different \AR, \FR, and there should be \HR, too. But AFAIU, babel defines just plain \R. Most of what I know about this is from Mostafa's explanations...

The example file certainly won't work, because it's not in real arabic (attachment 1308)...

But its language is set to Arabic so what do you mean?

Well, the encoding of the letters is not really correct, but I see that it is generating something (gibberish, but that's something), so I guess it handles different encodings. The standard encoding that I know of is cp1256 for Arabic, and that's what LyX writes when you type in Arabic through the GUI, using the arabic keymap. This seems to be working fine, BTW: I can type real Arabic in the GUI, and it outputs correctly to the DVI.

I'm trying this out right now (with real arabic), and my main problem ATM is with loading the appropriate fonts.

Follow this guideline:
(ignore MiKTeX)

Yeah, as I said, I had some debian-specific problems here...

Also, the line "\usepackage[T1]{fontenc}" in the generated latex file seems a little suspect to me, but I'm not sure.

You are right, the correct call according to the documentation of the arabi package is


and when also other languages than Arabic and Farsi are used it is


I think you're right, but it doesn't seem to be making a difference either way...

Do you know of anyone who used to be able to use arabic in LyX, but can't anymore?

The problem is that Arabic could never be used due to this bug and the now fixed bug 2927.

regards Uwe

Anyhow, to sum this up: before going and fixing LyX, we need to make sure we know exactly how the underlying latex packages work, and the impression that I'm getting is that we're not totally clear about that yet --- I certainly don't really understand this...

I really wish we had people who really use Arabic and latex, who could tell us which packages are usually used, whether they ever mix languages, etc. We're just playing around, but we don't know how things are really done...


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