Selon Jürgen Spitzmüller <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

> Mael Hilléreau wrote:
> > I think that closing the dialog isn't so unexpected, as when you  
> > click on the edit button, you know that the focus will go to a new  
> > window. I firstly also thought that such a behavior would be  
> > surprising, but perhaps if you test it, you'll observe that it is  
> > quite natural. Jürgen, note that if one wants to edit the graphics  
> > properties when coming back to LyX window, it's very quick: just  
> > click once on the graphic preview.
> >
> > As a consequence, this behavior could be IMO a good solution until a  
> > context menu is developed (if this happens one day...).
> I disagree. Only the Close, OK, and Cancel buttons (and the buttons on the
> title bar) are supposed to close dialogs. Our prime goal in ui design is to
> provide _consistent_, predictable behaviour. Your proposal runs counter to
> this (unless you also close the dialogs on pressing "Add" in the citation
> dialog or "Alter color" in the document branches pane, for instance).

Well, then the UI is IMO already unintuitive. We have two separate actions:

1) Edit the external file;
2) Edit graphics properties (i.e. how LyX must use the external file).

Despite they're both related to graphics, these two functionalities are clearly
distinct. But in order to do 1), the user has to do 2) before. I thought that
closing the dialog wouldn't be _perfect_, but at least better than the current

BTW, note that when you click on the "Load" button in the "Child document"
dialog, this dialog in automatically closed!! ...whereas there are also a
"Close" and an "Ok" button in this dialog!

Isn't that running counter to a predictable behavior?? ;-)

Anyway, no problem, I already use the patch for myself... And anyone who's
interested in can do it as well, but unfortunately has to recompile LyX... :-(


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