On Fri, Jul 13, 2007 at 02:31:05AM +0300, Dov Feldstern wrote:
> Enrico Forestieri wrote:
> >> With your patch applied, when I mark as english the footnote content 
> >> I correctly see a \selectlanguage{english} inserted before "bla bla bla".
> >> But I also see that the whole footnote inset is marked as foreign, so I
> >> select the whole of it and mark it as english. Now it is not underlined
> >> anymore but the \selectlanguage{english} is gone, too!
> > 
> That's fine: once you set the language of the inset to be equal to that 
> of the text inside it, then the language switch command will happen 
> *before* the inset, and therefore there's no need for the language 
> switch to happen inside.

Hope you are right, as what I obtain in this case is:

BLA BLA BLA\foreignlanguage{english}{}%
\footnote{bla bla bla%

I would like "bla bla bla" to be in English, but it seems to me that
it will be in Italian, instead...


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