On 3 Aug 2007, at 15:25, Richard Heck wrote:

What if we did this: First, switch to the already open document; if the user wanted to open it, then she wants to switch to it, at least. Then check if it's dirty. If not, do nothing. If so, pop up a dialog that says something like, "The file [document?] blah.lyx was already open. Do you want to abandon your current changes and revert to the version on disk?" [Revert] [Cancel]

I would substitute `re-read' for `revert'; otherwise your suggestion is good.

I REALLY have a problem with `revert' because BOTH actions are `reverting' in some sense; the user has chosen to read the version from disk, so would be `reverting' if they chose the edited version.

Stephen Cornell  [EMAIL PROTECTED]  +44-113-3432899
Institute of Integrative and Comparative Biology
University of Leeds, Leeds, LS2 9JT, UK

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