sebastian guttenberg wrote:
Hi all!
A few minutes ago, I wanted to mark a complete numbered equation (of
type eqnarray, with two rows) with the mouse. I clicked directly in
front and moved horizontally over the equation. As a result, not only
the equation, but also the line above and the line below was marked, and
the equation became invisible, when it was marked.
Then I paused for a while, looking at the result (equation was still
marked and I did not touch anything) and after a few instances, lyx
crashed with the message:
lyx hsDuality.lyx
Assertion triggered in int lyx::TextMetrics::cursorX(const
lyx::CursorSlice&, bo
ol) const by failing check "sl.text() == text_" in file
Aborted (core dumped)

Please tell me, if it's ok that I report every crash and even every
strange behaviour. I don't want to annoy people with being picky, since
I know that it's the development version...
I think these reports are appreciated. Much of the code is in flux at the moment, with large scale changes being made, and the sooner these things are noticed, the better. That said, if you actually want to get some work done, you might be better off with 1.5!


Richard G Heck, Jr
Professor of Philosophy
Brown University
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