Bo Peng wrote:
 1. You are forcing users to use a specific directory structure because
 *you* think it is best for them.

Also, what I do not understand is that, if the KISS structure is such
a good thing, why don't you practice it yourself?
Oh but I do. If you remember I said that the best practice for collaboration is to use a proper directory structure and an SCM. This bundling business is only interesting to me as a one-shot contribution, this is just about a portable LyX document. Collaboration isn't about everyone working as he wants, it's about agreing to a directory structure and stick to it IMHO.

 You can create a
directory, put all figures inside it. The current implementation will
not be in the way at all. Remember, I had been told that 'I' should
change my working habit to adapt to the KISS structure.

As a matter if fact, the core value of the current implementation is
that it assures backward compatibility to file format,
Mine too. Except for the 'bundle' flag.

 existing files
and existing user behaviors,
Mine too.

 and is not in the way of however users
would like to organize their files.
Those people don't (or should not) need this bundled format for collaboration. This is I think the core of the incomprehension: I don't see bundling as a way to facilitate continuous collaboration. I see bundling as a way to easily send a compilable document. Anything else is just sugar and not strictly necessary IMHO.


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