>>>>> "Christian" == Christian Ridderström <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

   > On Sun, 21 Sep 2008, Uwe Brauer wrote:


   >> -  a document which is around 50 pages

   > I really think you'd be better of with a VCS, but it might be worth a try.

The adavantage is to have a server, which looks intuive. VCS seems to
have a non flat learning curve and then it is not clear to me how to 
interchange files, by email?

   > Please note that there are things which may prohibit the solution
   > describe above. For instance, I worry that it will not be safe to
   > compile the .lyx-file on the server, as the .lyx-file could contain
   > LaTeX code that compromises the security of the server...

   > Anyway, as I said above, I'd like to see/discuss some detailed use
   > cases before actually thinking of implementing anything. If you like,
   > you can start writing on a use case on this page:
   >    http://wiki.lyx.org/Devel/WikiLyXUseCase

I do this but first a confession about my ignorance, what is _cases_



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