On Thu, 25 Sep 2008, Uwe Brauer wrote:

 Planet Math (http://planetmath.org/) is a collaborative encyclopedia
 based on LaTeX, with some restrictions to maintain a coherent look and
 feel (like the style of a scientific journal). The server part can be
 installed on any machine, the software required is downloadable from
 their web site. Maybe this could help solving the problem ?

This looks extremely interesting. I will try that out. Thanks very much for this pointer (I tried so many google searches, this did not show up)

In case you don't need a lot of math (which I doubt), the MimeTeX plugin
can be used:

It was installed at wiki.lyx.org, and it works by taking a piece of LaTeX equation, convert it to an image and embedding that image. However, I think I removed it because it also allowed you to generate an image that contained /etc/passwd ...


PS. If you trust your users, and use e.g. a VCS to send files to a central repository, you could set up the system so that when the files are sent to the central repository, the server automatically runs LaTeX on the files.
This could of course also be done with .lyx-files.

(Which reminds me that we should perhaps do this for the LyX documentation? Or at least script it, so that we can generate it on the server.)

Christian Ridderström, +46-8-768 39 44            http://www.md.kth.se/~chr

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