Lars Gullik Bj?nnes wrote:
> >> If there are interest I'll try to setup a git tree that you can clone and 
> >> set
> >> up as a git-svn tree.  (I'll even write up a wiki page to explain briefly 
> >> how
> >> to do that.)
> >
> | this is already done on, though not under our control (yet:)
> | skeleton of the wiki page is already done too.
> That looked just like a mirror, and the wiki seemed to lack info on how
> to turn that into a git-svn clone?

i belive this is possible, but i must admit i was never interested more to 
investigate :)

> | something more is imho needed only in case we want officially switch to git
> | repo (do we?).
> I do not agree completely. If we are going to switch (and personally I
> think we should), you/we need to get more feel for how to use git.
> And even if some lyx devvies already use git, I think all (or close to)
> should try it out. And I think when we try it out we should try to get
> the best possible experience out of it.

this is a question of a poll. if most of the people are ok with svn theres no
substatintial merit in changing to git. git-svn provides quite sufficient

> (And imo that means an officialy set up git repo that is created for
> this purpose in the way we imagine it would be done if we really made
> the switch (proper svn.authorsfile f.ex.))
> | personally i'm in favour of our own box like aussie in the past
> | compared to sf solutions etc. although there is the problem that we do not 
> have
> | any admin wanting to manage it there are many advantages of such dedicated
> | machine.
> I'd like you to name some...

for example i like to have personal web pages so i can run things like doxygen
generated docs for lyx, i like other people pages like Jose's archeology page,
i like all the stuff Christian is providing with wiki which i doubt would be
possible under sf, i like the way we run svn commit annoucements, also
mail address, sharing disk space with other devs when we want exchange something
and generally the overall control of all the services on one place.

> I only know of a few and as of current they
> seem to be of very little importance. I belive the benefit of not having
> to handle the daily (or yearly) churn of chores is a really good thing.

last year i spent quite lot of time to pinpoint some reasonable mem
configuration for aussie demons so we are not locked by swapping again and
again - still it was worth it. thats why i support Richard's proposal.


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