On Sat, 7 Mar 2009, Bo Peng wrote:

It is driven by PmWiki, which can be used on SF. However, I believe it'll require quite a bit of work to migrate to a different host(name). It was never designed to be portable like the web pages (which are also generated by PmWiki).

This will be case if we migrate to ANY service, and aussie is unlikely
to stay very long.

No, not if we migrate to any service. If we migrate to a server which is called www.lyx.org and can place some directories where we want them, migration is straight forward.

Hmm... I just realized that one thing I'll miss if I don't have full access. It's the ability to change ownership and permission of certain files and directories. This can sometimes be problematic when doing some stuff with the wiki/web. That's sometthing which will make things a little bit more difficult for me (acting as an administrator).

A more important drawback might be how to allow users' to upload files to the wiki. This is _not_ being done via PmWiki, but through some other file manager. I have no idea if we can get that working on SF. Or indeed if this is even something that's allowed...

My website is based on sf.net/pmwiki and users could upload files,
using pmwiki's upload facility.

Yes, and I assume they are stored under 'persistent'. However, we don't use the upload facility in PmWiki because it's really poor. Please note that we don't have to use the current file manager (IPFM), but we could use any file manager that SF allows.

Do you know if SF allows more or less anyone to upload files to their servers? Or rather, if we're allowed to activate software that in turn allows others to share files using a SF server?

Doing any major file change in such a web-based file system is slow. I could check out and rsync in seconds...(not using aussie though).

What do you mean with 'web-based'? I'm doing it on top of 'sftp'?


Christian Ridderström                           Mobile: +46-70 687 39 44

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