On Sun, 15 Mar 2009, Lars Gullik Bjønnes wrote:

We (I) and agreed deadline with trolltech/nokie that aussie will be turned
off the 23. This is in one week.

We have got a new (virtual) server at the University of Bonn. The server can be reached at lyx.lyx.org. This server is running debian, and I am having some problems adjusting, nothing major, but debian is a novel experience to me.

I´ve used debian some and I´m sure people on the list can answer questions.

Can we (I) get an account? (See below)

I know a bit too little about the new scheme you are using for the web pages, so if you one of you have a better grip give me a holler and we can work together at getting that up and working. Chr has said that we will help out with the wiki.

As Jean-Marc explained, the web pages are simply a second wiki installation. It´s just a wiki that doesn´t look like a wiki. Furthermore, the web pages are portable and for instance Bo can set them up. Or I will be happy to do so.

By the way, I think the wiki aspect is one reason why we suddenly have a web site that´s translated into several languages. It´s made it very easy for the translators.

Do you know if you´ll be working on this at a particular time? I´ve found computers and reasoanble access here at the hotel, so it might help if we did stuff at the same time.

Bugzilla is what worries me the most, our installation on aussie is old and I have no idea how easy it will be to domp that db and reload/upgrade in a different location. So if any of you really know bugzilla installation/administratiion give a holler.

Ask for expertise on the uses´list? For that matter, maybe it´d be an idea to ask if there are any Debian experts on the users´ list, and if they would be ok with listening to the devel´list for a few days.

Anyhow... since the deadline is looming we have to concentrate efforts, and perhaps, in a couple of cases (wiki and bugzilla) live with a inferiour solution for a short time.

For the wiki and the web, give me access and I can do it e.g. tomorrow. If Bo will help me that´s great, but I can probably manage on my own. I might ask for help on testing the systems though. To help with the final testing I´ll probably temporarly disable parts of the web site at www.lyx.org. The reason for this is that images etc may have hardcoded URIs.

Please let me know ASAP if access to the virtual server is a problem, then I´ll see if I can come up with an idea to remotely assist you in setting it up. One idea might be for the two of us to share a screen session, so that you can monitor my actions while I set it up. It´ll probably be a bit inefficient though.


Christian Ridderström                           Mobile: +46-70 687 39 44

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