Charles de Miramon wrote:
rgheck wrote:

Just to be clear, here are what I regard as the showstoppers:
Theorem-type environments aren't rendered; math support is marginal, esp
with regard to custom macros; BibTeX isn't supported, so far as I can
tell; cross-references omit the related text. Other things I'd want to
investigate would include support for AMS environments, and arrays and
the like generally; treatment of mini pages and the like. I also worry
about the lack of extensibility, i.e., the inability to deal with custom

To translate macros, custom latex styles, bibtex, cross-reference numbers, etc.. ELyXer would haeve to work like tex4ht in two steps :

1) parse the LyX file and translate what it can and mark (Y) what he does does not understand

2) Look in the pdf how latex has rendered Y  and translate it to html

ELyXer looks like it is doing step 1 correctly. Step 2 could be added later.
People that have complex documents should use tex4ht.

I don't really regard BibTeX and cross-references as "complex", but as intrinsic to what LyX offers.



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