i'm not sure who is this "we"; from the last discussions about release
plans it looked like that more devs thought we are already late and
particularly can't remember anybody claiming we should wait little bit
longer. if its not the case then sorry and lets discuss the stages
a little bit more.

No, there is no need for discussion. I welcome the fact that you actively step in.
concerning the fact that the 1.6 criterion for beta->rc transit was no dataloss bug, than the crashes above being
stopper for entering alpha state looks way too strict.
Trunk was pretty stable, and right at the moment that it has become very unstable, you propose to release an alpha-version. I wouldn't encourage anyone to try trunk right now, even not the closest comunity.
anyway would you accept if we call it pre-alpha or only
development snapshot instead?

Or, we just fix those bugs.


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