Il 29/07/2011 11:04, Pavel Sanda ha scritto:
Tommaso Cucinotta wrote:
I'd like to gather comments on this, whether it may be acceptable for the
for the technical part i feel uncomfortable the we should ship bunch of
empty binaries file and need to manage proper versions of them. if have
older version of third party app which doesn't load it well? if the conversion
from older version has glitches? and so on...

I understand your concerns, that's why I was also proposing to have
maybe more versions of the same empty file type, corresponding to
different versions of the file-format (and corresponding application),
in order to be more compatible with possible old applications installed
on a system.

However, even without this addition, this feature would still be useful
and work most of the times, and perhaps some times fail in creating
a proper new file. In such a case the user can:
-) go with the traditional LyX workflow, i.e., launch the external app
   independently, save the file to the proper place, then include it
   in the LyX doc
-) customise LyX so as to have his/her own empty templates in the
    .lyx/samples/ folder, which are matching the type and version of
    the application he/she is using and so that would work 100% of
    the times.

On a related note, I just checked how it works on Nautilus (Gnome
[right-click]->[Create Document] feature). There, the user is supposed
to have a "$HOME/Templates" folder in which he/she places the
template files to be used, then they show up in the right-click menu
(so the whole feature relies on the user making an explicit configuration
option -- that folder is normally empty).

Also, on KDE, I found this package: "",
which "contains templates and context menu entries for KDE and OpenOffice.org3.
Now you can right click in file manager or desktop and generate a new file."

So, there seems to be a common need across different applications for
creating new files from existing templates. Shipping each application distro
with an empty file in a well-known folder such as /usr/share/templates
would solve this problem, but unfortunately it doesn't happen.

Still, the easiest thing to do seems to be shipping a few binary files (e.g.,
one per supported file-format) with LyX itself.


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