Il 31/07/2011 20:33, Pavel Sanda ha scritto:
when we are talking about the easiest thing - for which application you actually
need this 'new' feature?
it might be that it already knows creating new file, when called with file
argument - as lyx is doing (or it could well be accepted by its developers).

for GUI-based applications allowing a user to edit a picture in WYSIWYG mode, it doesn't seem that creating a new file as a result of being launched from the command-line with a non-existing file-name is among the topmost implemented feature :-)

-) dia: error message, and new file with a default proposed name of "Diagram1.dia", and defaulting to being saved in the current folder -) LibreOffice: error message, and it doesn't even start. If started without args (-draw, actually), then new file with default name of "Untitled 1", to be saved into the HOME/Documents folder -) inkscape: error message, and new file with a default proposed name of "New document 1", defaulting to being saved in the HOME user folder
-) gimp: error message, new file defaulting to "Untitled" in current folder

XFig supports that feature, but its UI is (for me) unusable.

So, how many graphics editors do support such a feature :-) ? For me, it's easier to patch LyX than all of the above! Btw, I mostly used dia, LibreOffice and Inkscape for my papers.

Every editor, spawned either from the command-line or from its icon, proposes a different folder where to save the new created file, from where I have to move over and over again to my working folder where I'm editing the .lyx file. So, not only I have to browse when I open my .lyx file that I'm editing, but additionally I also have to browse every time I insert an image (or having to use the terminal from another window to move files into proper locations all the time). With the patch I'm proposing, it all gets simpler, more immediate, less time wasted browsing, more time on doing useful things.
then the edit/create button could be joined and we wouldn't need any
binary blobs.

If you agree, a nice trade-off could be for LyX:
1) to be shipped without any binary blob;
2) to allow users for placing empty sample files in their $HOME/.lyx/samples folder, then being automatically recognized by this feature and being proposed as empty templates for new material (feature to be documented in the manual and its existence properly advertised in the tooltip of the "Edit/Create" button). 3) [optional]: to provide a separate package file "lyx-samples", shipping a bunch of empty files, that a user might try to optionally install.

For command-line and file-browser lovers, it would simply work as before -- no change at all, no binary blobs, no format compatibility errors, etc.. Except that they would get the "Edit" button in those 2 dialogs (graphics and external material) working for free as a side effect :-)!

What do you think ? Would that work ?



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