Le 26/12/12 13:13, Alessandro Di Federico a écrit :
Our plan is to make the user conference on Monday 13th of May, in the
afternoon. So we could have the dev meeting the previous day, on Sunday
12th of May.

Rough plan:
- Saturday May 11th: everyone arrives in Milan;
- Sunday May 12th: full day developer meeting;
- Monday May 13th: user conference in the afternoon;
- Monday May 13th evening/Tuesday May 14th: everyone leaves;

Usually, the developers meetings run for a few days.I think that, if possible several of us would like to arrive on frdiay or maybe even thursday. Would that be possible?

In France, May 9 is a non-working day (Ascension day), is it the same in Italy (we also have May 8 for the end of WW2, but I somehow doubt it is a national day in Italy...).

Please let me know how many would join!

I will.

BTW: Lars told me that we have funds to pay your stay (not the flight!).
I can take care of finding a good hotel.

I am not sure we need a good hotel. Some mattresses to sleep on may be enough. The event is very very informal: programming, discussing, drinking beer and eating an occasional sandwich until 2AM.

Thanks for looking at this.

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