Am Samstag, 6. April 2013 um 19:32:58, schrieb Tommaso Cucinotta 
> On 03/04/13 22:40, Kornel Benko wrote:
> > I want to find (as regular expression) the string "použiť". In tex, it looks
> > "použi\v{t}".
> > But the searched string (as it is diplayed while filling the search form) 
> > it is
> > "\regexp{pou\check{z} it\mkern-5mu\mathchar19\endregexp{}}".
> Ok, I could reproduce thanks to the file you sent me. From a first impression,
> it seems to me that the problem is NOT the regexp matching engine. Indeed, 
> when
> searching with regexp but with no non-ASCII char in the regexp, it works fine
> and it finds for example
>   použ\regexp{i\endregexp{}}ť
> However, when the regexp contains non-ASCII chars, then it's misinterpreted
> in the text conversion. I suspect it's due to the fact that the regexp inset
> has been essentially derived from a math inset, so it's not expecting any
> non-ASCII stuff therein, and it's not applying the
> regular non-ASCII chars mangling that is instead done correctly for text.
> I'll try to look into it.
>       T.

Yes, all non-ascii characters are treated as being part of math. Therefore
they are replaced according to our unicode-file.

In most cases we respect the type of InsetMathHull (for regex it is hullRegexp).
Somewhere we split the search string at non-ascii, but I failed to find where.


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