On Wed, May 07, 2014 at 09:36:29AM +0200, Jean-Marc Lasgouttes wrote:
> 07/05/2014 00:06, Enrico Forestieri:
> >I just tried it. I loaded an old document and searched for ligatures
> >such as "ff" or "fi" but everything I found does not seems to be a
> >ligature and I don't see any of the reported problems.
> Try to use a modern font like Dejavu Serif, or maybe Garamond on
> windows. Do you see some kerning? For example, in the string "AV",
> the bottom of the A should overlap with the top of the V. In such a
> case, when a selection ends between the A and the V, two strings
> have to be drawn separately and thus the kerning is broken. This
> causes the part starting with V to nudge a bit to the right.

So, this depends on the font, apparently. Now I see both kerning and
ligatures when using Dejavu Serif (even on Linux). However, placing
the cursor between 'A' and 'V' does not modify the kerning, as well
as placing the cursor between 'f' and 'i' does not break the ligature.
This occurs only when selecting. Thus, when extending the selection,
mimicking what is done when placing the cursor should avoid those
artifacts (but I am speaking out of ignorance here, admittedly).

> >The text changes color only when "Use system colors" is selected, but
> >it suffices not doing that for avoiding it ;)
> Actually, the text always changes color. In you case it changes from
> balck to black. But math changes from blue to black. Change tracking
> becomes black too. ERT text becomes black too. Do you see what I
> mean?

It seems we tend to describe what happens in our own world. In my world
"Use system colors" is never checked, while in your world it is always
checked. Now, in my world, nothing of what you describe above happens.
Math, change tracking and ERT maintain their colors when selecting.
The only text that changes to black is the text whose color is manually
changed. However, if you don't change color for every word you write,
this is barely a problem.

Now I think I understand what you are trying to accomplish. You are
trying to make your world more similar to mine. If this is the case,
I would have no problem in migrating, because those differences were
the primary cause of my dislike for "Use system colors". However, I
would like to warn you of the fact that the background of a selection
is system dependent. For example, on Solaris I get a hideous dark blue
and the text would be illegible if it remains black. Maybe this is why
the colors are changed when the system ones are followed.

You know better than me the technical problems caused by not checking
"Use system colors", but I would say that it is the cause of your other
problems. The above (unknown to me) technical problems could maybe
solved more easily by ditching that checkbox ;)

> >Even in this respect I don't see any difference with master,

Though, I just noticed an ugly difference with respect to LyX 2.0.
The background of math remains white when selecting. This does not
happen in 2.0, where the math background is set to the right color.
What changed here?

> >if not for the fact that in the str-metrics branch the selection seems
> >to be slightly lagging behind the cursor.
> Interesting, I'll have a look. I have not done any profiling yes.
> Are you sure that the lag is worse than with master?

It seems that the lag is caused by Qt. With Qt4 there is no lag at all
and, however fast I move the cursor, the selection follows instantly.
With Qt5 there is a noticeable lag and it seems like playing to that
old game where you have a growing snake following your moves...


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