Jean-Marc Lasgouttes wrote:

> Le 24/11/2014 21:53, Georg Baum a écrit :
>> I guess the basic principle how copy-on-write works is clear? If not, see
>> e.g.
>> The problem is not the read access. This is safe. The problem is write
>> access and can be illustrated by the following code:

Oops, this is not 100% correct. The problem _might_ actually also be read 
access, at least in one special case: Creating a copy of a const string.

>> std::string s1("foo");
>> std::string s2(a);

This was wrong, it should have been read
std::string s2(s1);

>> std::string s3 = s1;
> OK, could you know explain the same in terms of Language::babel(), which
> is a const function? Between which objects is the representation shared?

The fact that Language::babel() is const does not matter, since 
std::basic_string::_M_rep() lies: It is a const method but returns a non-
const pointer to internal data. Therefore Language::babel_ can be (and is) 
modified each time a copy is made through the const accessor 
Language::babel(). During export a lot of these copies is being made, e.g. 
in output_latex.cpp.

Creating the copy is a subset of the example I showed: If you don't look at 
the subsequent assignment, but compare only the difference after executing 
the first and second line, then it looks like this:

std::string s1("foo");
assert(s1._M_rep()->_M_refcount == 0);

Now do the assignment:

std::string s2(s1);
assert(s1._M_rep()->_M_refcount == 1);

Whether this is a race condition depends on whether increasing the ref 
counter is atomic or not. The wikipedia page mentions that it can be 
implemented in a thread-safe way without using locks by compare-and-swap 
(see, but the actual 
implementation is so complicated that I could not verify whether this is 
used at a quick glance. I only know that no locks are used. So my whole 
theory might be wrong actually, we'll need further investigation.

> It might be that understanding that is useless because the problem is
> general as you say. But it might happen too that it helps us to
> understand better what happens.

No, I think it helps, since this is a little bit different from the previous 
example. Actually I don't know if a copy of Language::babel() is modified 


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