Uwe Stöhr wrote:

> Nevertheless one must discuss how useful the tests are if they make so
> many troubled what anybody just changed a layout file without touching
> tex2lyx. I still think that the main purpose of the tex2lyx tests should
> be to test tex2lyx capabilities.

Exactly, and this is what they are doing. In the past, tex2lyx was more or 
less independent from LyX, and one could hack around in LyX without the need 
to touch tex2lyx at all. The big disadvantage of this approach was that 
tex2lyx was always lagging behind, and a lot of code duplication was needed. 
Therefore, more and more code was shared, but this created a dependency of 
tex2lyx on many parts of LyX, including the layout files. I should probably 
add a section about the history to Development.lyx, maybe this is then 
easier to understand.

Today we have the situation that a simple change to a layout file can make 
tex2lyx produce an invalid file format. Therefore the tests need to be run 
and updated even for such a change.

> The point is that every new rule increases the barrier to attract new
> developer and to hold developers active.

True, and I think we all agree that we want to have barriers as low as 
possible. However, the tex2lyx tests have already been payed off a lot. For 
them, the barrier is only in the initial setup, once you are used to running 
them it is very little additional effort. I guess you remember the time some 
years ago when both you and I invested a huge amount of time to bring 
tex2lyx up to date regarding the file format. This was a very un-fun type of 
work, and when it was finished I was sure that I never want to do this 
again. This is the reason for having the tests and the rule to keep them up 
to date. In terms of total cost it is the most efficient way to keep tex2lyx 
up to date.

> In my case I knew I would have
> maximal 2 days not knowing when I will be able to LyX again. And I of
> course knew that the first LyX 2.2 cannot be far away and then a
> fileformat change for simple things like layout changes are then no
> longer possible. So sometimes just putting things in is sensible. (I
> know Georg hates me for statements like that.)

No. This is not a personal issue. I do however seriously ask you to think 
about the statement "sometimes just putting things in is sensible" again in 
the context of the questions Scott asked: What if others would think alike? 
What would that mean for the project, and the working atmosphere? How would 
you feel personally if others did act like that?

> However, now I have the
> situation I feared but my feature is in and there is time to fix
> possible issues in the alpha/beta cycle. I don't see the big problems
> despite that I stole your time with the tex2lyx test issue.

IMNSHO, stealing this amount of time _is_ a big problem. I hope that this is 
now clear.

> So finally apologies to Georg, Guillaume, Kornel and Günter that you
> need to spend time for tex2lyx.
> I hope we will find a solution soon that I can do things right also on
> Windows too.

It depends on you. You need to be willing to spend some initial setup 
effort, and if you are, then it is easy, and we can walk you step by step 
through the process. The result will be a batch file that you can run 
whenever you need to execute the tests, and you can have another one for 
updating the references.


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