Am 20.10.2015 um 04:39 schrieb Scott Kostyshak:

I CC'ed you on the following emails (it hides that I CC'ed you but if
you search for the message in your email client it should show it):

Hm, now I see them. There were automatically moved into the spam folder where also all the commit report mails are placed. This is strange but it is then no wonder that I overlooked them. (I cannot not follow all commits.)

And you responded to one here:

This was months ago and the stress is still the same.

it sucks that I cannot plan much. E.g I was just informed that I have to work abroad again. And again I can most probably not do anything for LyX the next days...

Which email address is best? or ? I tried both.

Both should work.

I don't understand how it is useful. Why can't use you use the paragraph
alignment? Please respond to Georg's email on this matter.

Since I have to get up in 5 hours and will be off then, I CCed him.

Georg, attached are 2 documents, one created with LyX 2.1. where I used the paragraph settings to center, one created with LyX 2.2. You see the difference: The Paragraph-alignment added a paragraph of course leading to whitespace one doesn't want in boxes.

That's why I implemented the alignment in LyX 2.2. as non-paragraph via \raggedleft etc because a parbox or minibox is already its own paragraph.

I feel a lot of aggression against me in todays' posts.

I see what you mean, but I would say if anything there is aggression
towards your *work flow*. LyX developers are a team and we want to be on
the same page as much as possible. Everyone will work differently and
that is fine, but when those differences affect other people that is
when frustration happens. Just to take the recent example of the tex2lyx
tests failing. Because of your commit, I spent time tracking down the
problem, Kornel spent time running the tests and reporting the failure,
Georg spent time confirming your commit was the issue, Guillaume spent
time trying to fix the issue, and Gűnter had finally fixed the tests
that he broke but there was confusion because at the same time you broke
the tests so it wasn't clear whether it was his commit or your commit.

I see. Any you are totally right that it is not OK to steal time from others knowing what a high value time is.

Nevertheless one must discuss how useful the tests are if they make so many troubled what anybody just changed a layout file without touching tex2lyx. I still think that the main purpose of the tex2lyx tests should be to test tex2lyx capabilities.

The point is that every new rule increases the barrier to attract new developer and to hold developers active. In my case I knew I would have maximal 2 days not knowing when I will be able to LyX again. And I of course knew that the first LyX 2.2 cannot be far away and then a fileformat change for simple things like layout changes are then no longer possible. So sometimes just putting things in is sensible. (I know Georg hates me for statements like that.) However, now I have the situation I feared but my feature is in and there is time to fix possible issues in the alpha/beta cycle. I don't see the big problems despite that I stole your time with the tex2lyx test issue.

I know that I am very controversial and that I sometimes just can't resist. The good point is that It made so much fun that I wanted to re-join the development despite I know that it will be a hard task with the real-life stress.

So finally apologies to Georg, Guillaume, Kornel and Günter that you need to spend time for tex2lyx. I hope we will find a solution soon that I can do things right also on Windows too.

regards Uwe

Attachment: Box21.lyx
Description: application/lyx

Attachment: Box22.lyx
Description: application/lyx

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