On 12 Nov 2015, at 10:32, Jürgen Spitzmüller <sp...@lyx.org> wrote:
> 2015-11-12 10:19 GMT+01:00 Edwin Leuven:
> thanks Jürgen, but in my experience Frame does not behave the same as nested 
> Standard
> once i start add for example an Itemize my slide is all messed up (both the 
> alignment, and a a new slide is added)
> Itemize is not Standard. All except Frame need to be nested (as documented).
> also, when i then exit the Itemize with a double <enter> the new environment 
> is now a Standard even though i started with a Frame
> As far as the LaTeX output is concerned, this makes no difference to 
> non-nested Frame. So it's just a cosmetic issue in the workarea. But maybe we 
> should indeed reset to Frame rather than Standard here to avoid confusion.

yes, that would be cleaner

> things get very messy
> my slide layout is however as i expect it to be when i put the content in a 
> nested Standard (which the manual also recommends)
> so atm i need to reset Frame to Standard and increasing the nesting every 
> time i add a line to my slide
> Use Alt+Return to maintain the nesting level.

ah, i didn’t know that

but even so, perhaps we should consider the behaviour that we have with itemize:

<enter> preserves indent, and <enter> on an empty itemize decreases indent

we could do the same with nesting no?

i think that would be natural

> this is interrupting my workflow, and my thought was that this could be 
> avoided if LyX would default to having a nested Standard as the default 
> environment in a Frame
> I thought about this, too. But I think it's not easy to implement this in a 
> sane way.

a pity, so there’s no “environment_on_enter” among the layout options?

thanks, ed.

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