2015-11-12 10:43 GMT+01:00 Edwin Leuven:

> but even so, perhaps we should consider the behaviour that we have with
> itemize:
> <enter> preserves indent, and <enter> on an empty itemize decreases indent
> we could do the same with nesting no?
> i think that would be natural

I agree.

> > this is interrupting my workflow, and my thought was that this could be
> avoided if LyX would default to having a nested Standard as the default
> environment in a Frame
> >
> > I thought about this, too. But I think it's not easy to implement this
> in a sane way.
> a pity, so there’s no “environment_on_enter” among the layout options?

No. But I think we need something like this in the long run (not only for
beamer). Including the possibility no force nesting.


> thanks, ed.

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