For now I also need the info about Qt 5. What is the expected build
target for beta1? My time is limited and I have to focus on one Qt
version. I installed Qt 5.6 beta for mingw and mingw itself. Is this the
way I should go?

Yes, that would be great!
It looks like the paths will also not change after the release of 5.6.0
(default is C:\Qt\Qt5.6.0) So I would like to add one .bat script
for the mingw build with most paths hardcoded. Maybe we could even
agree where to put the lyx sources/build dir.

Then lets release a lyx beta MinGW build with the Qt 5.6 beta and
when 5.6 is out just make the the final lyx with the 5.6.0.

Sure. I try to do this but I am a human making mistakes. And the path
handling stuff for the compiler is error-prone as hell. Thus I simply
create a new branch in my git putting there the files from the tar. This
assures that the compilation paths are correct.

Can you please explain which errors you see (or fear to see) if not
from the tar ball only?

I need to run CMake again spending half an hour to setup all the many
paths there. This sucks. With a new branch I work in the same directory
as always.

This is very important, because building from the
unpacked tar ball is the only way to ensure that the built executable is
built from the correct sources and without any possible local change.
Do you
remember the problem with one of the alphas where much time was wasted
because the installer was not built from unmodified alpha sources?

As I wrote, I make mistakes. I did not had much time to test the alpha
installer. Normally I have at least a day and can check on 4 different
PCs and the buggy installer would have been uncovered.

regards Uwe

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