Am 12.01.2016 um 19:43 schrieb Georg Baum:

For now I also need the info about Qt 5. What is the expected build
target for beta1? My time is limited and I have to focus on one Qt
version. I installed Qt 5.6 beta for mingw and mingw itself. Is this the
way I should go?

That depends whether you want to learn mingw or not. Concerning qt 5.6 I
belive the release dates Scott sent do pretty much rule it out (it will be
finished too late), so the question is whether qt 5.5 works wel enough on

OK, I will test my 5.5.1 build with MSVC201 thoroughly and report back.

For Qt 5.6 I will use MinGW and not MSVC. Since both are new programs to me I think it makes sense to release beta1 with 5.5 if possible if Scott agrees.

Sorry, I still do not understand. Which paths need to be setup? What takes
long (a manual step or some program that runs)?

CMake. As soon as I create a new folder and copy there code, I need to run CMake from scratch and specify about 40 paths (most of them to Qt).
If I make a mistake there I get strange builds.

So I still think that creating a new git branch and copying the files from the tar there is the quickest and also safest way - no need to fiddle around with any path.

regards Uwe

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