El 06.04.2017 a las 12:01, Jürgen Spitzmüller escribió:

I mean we need to think about a sensible UI instead of cluttering the
dialog with three more line widgets. And I think we should not attempt to
push in one feature after the other at this point, but rather focus on
stabilizing and finishing LyX 2.3.

More precisely, the dialog gets oversized by this addition, the widgets are
not lined up sensibly, and I also think they should go into some "Advanced
settings" sub-dialog that only shows up when fontspec is actually used and
that gives some sensible structure.

OK, I calm down. I accept criticism if it is constructive. So let's be constructive.

Since many years LyX misses the feature to input options to the font loading commands \setmainfont etc. We did not act for 5 years because you said exactly the same as today that it is not the right time:

There might perhaps never be the right time, so let's eventually do it! The feature is important for several languages:


is sometimes necessary. Inputting the Script option is currently almost impossible if you are not a LaTeX master. Therefore the right way to do this is to provide an input field for all options people might need. So we speak about adding simply 3 line edit fields.

I think the fields are at the right tab where I put them. Of course we can rearrange their position and size. Please make a proposal.

I implemented that the fields are only active when fontspec is actually used. If you see here mistakes in my patch, please tell me.

So again, please be constructive and help.

Concerning the features of LyX 2.3. Scott encouraged me to have a look for features I proposed to LyX 2.3. So I took some spare time after a long break with LyX and came up with some patches for new features. Unless a feature freeze is announced one could work on features. If I am encouraged to look and decide what could be part of LyX 2.3 I think I should be treated fair and my patches should be reviewed in a normal manner. I already skipped things I won't have time to implement or that would be too massive changes for LyX 2.3.

thanks and regards

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