On 04/11/2017 11:23 AM, Stephan Witt wrote:
> In fact you agree with Jürgen, IMO. He said it’s not enough to add a line edit to add the options.

What I understood Juergen said is: one should have clickable buttons for every possible option, and no other way of passing options to the packages. What I'm saying, agreeing with Uwe, is that having a line edit where adding an infinite set of "optionA, optionB=true, optionC=whatever" should be possible. LyX has this in many places, starting with the additional options to \documentclass.
Huge packages like biblatex, hyperref, listings, etc. definitely need this.

My proposal of having "a general sheet where one could send options to (the calls of) this and that package would be a good way to go - that means, not by just using \SendOptionsToPackage" will be a freestyle sheet, where one would have a text input field for the package name, and a text input field for all the options that need to be passed to it.

packageA: optionA1, optionA2=false, optionA3
packageB: optionB1
packageC: optionC1=whatever

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