Le 07/04/2017 à 02:24, Uwe Stöhr a écrit :
El 06.04.2017 a las 11:13, Jean-Marc Lasgouttes escribió:
Something is wrong with the
vertical position of your new elements.

What do you mean? I purposely added a rubber length behind the unit
combobox to push the 2 elements to the left margin. Of course it is a
matter of taste.

What do I mean? Don't you see something wrong about the screenshot I posted? I understand that it looks good on your machine, but your job is to make it look good everywhere.

Attached is how the biblio settings dialog looks here. There a rubber
length is in my opinion missing behind the "No" combobox. (It looks ugly
to me.)

If this looks *ugly*, then I do not understand that you don't see what problem we see on Linux.

Seriously, I do not have a solution for this, I try to stay as far as possible from dialog design.

What would be wrong with moving
them to the 'text layout' pane? I think that they belong more there than
in math options (which is really a LaTeX thing).

I am opposed to this because an average user expects a math option in
the tab math options and not in text layout. I mean the indentation of
formulas only affects formulas. Using a package like esint also only
affect formulas. Therefore in my opinion math options is the right and
intuitive place.

First we should remove our LyX developers hat and see that the text layout is the layout of all elements on the page (not everything-that-is-not-mathed). In this respect, your new option really fits here.

Second, the math options pane is really about what particular math features should be available for a document. This is a pane that people should ideally be able to avoid completely, unless they are obsessive about what kind of integrals they need ("advanced math options" would be a better name). Unless you propose to move the setting of math fonts there too, I do not see what one would gain in adding unrelated visual features.


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