Wed, 19 Jul 2017 13:41:17 +0200
Pavel Sanda <> wrote:

> Pavel Sanda wrote:
> > Hi,
> > thanks, for the clarifications!
> > 
> > I see you removed the "luettelo" parts which is supposedly "List"
> > in your language. Are you sure about that change?

Yes, the common convention is not to write that in the PDF. I'll refer
to this as an official authority:


  \def\contentsname{Sis\"alt\"o}%   /* Could be "Sis\"allys" as well */
  \def\alsoname{katso my\"os}%

We don't mention the word 'table' in the TOC either. The lists for
figures/tables aren't used that much in texts. There are some guides
for naming them in thesis / reports, but I couldn't find a single
authority that would be most correct and official one. I think this one
from babel-finnish would work the best. BTW wouldn't it be easier to
use that instead of hard coding the text in LyX?

> > If you have book with bunch of algorithm codes and you put
> > somewhere into appendix list of those, they will be introduced by
> > Algoritmit instead of Algoritmien luettelo. Was that intended?  
> I just checked that all the "List" strings were recently checked by
> Martin Vermeer, so I think it was actually meant to be with
> "luettelo". (?)

I might have messed up some things when writing the
translations for the GUI. I feel the word 'luettelo/lista' might
clarify things in the GUI, but then again the printed version should
not show those. If both need to display the same, it might be
clearer to use the print version for both.

> > > > "List of Graphs[[mathematical]]"
> > > > 
> > > > I have to admit I didn't understand the difference between
> > > > charts and graphs and couldn't find this yet from the GUI.
> > > > Chart is e.g. a bar/pie chart? Graph is some other graphical
> > > > notation for expressing data? This is confusing without knowing
> > > > the context. If there is no other difference, the same
> > > > translation works:  
> > > 
> > > I don't know either. Anyway, there has to be different
> > > translation, otherwise the two menu entries in outliner are not
> > > distinguishable.  

If they need different names, I'd use 'Kaavio / kaaviot' for
chart/charts and 'Graafi / graafit' or 'Diagrammi / diagrammit' for
some nonconventional graph/graphs. 'Kuvaaja' is just a synonym for
'kaavio'. I checked the translations and most presentations are called
chart <-> kaavio. That word covers most of the graphs/charts out there.

> > Graphs/Chart/Scheme are for papers written in layout for American
> > Chemical Society and apparently they don't even care to show Graph
> > example in their demo
> > (
> > ) so I think this particular tranaslation is not that important. 
> > > > Apparently this is related to chemistry? Is the 'scheme' like
> > > > 'Chemical equation', 'structural formula' or something else?
> > > > It's hard to translate this without knowing the context.  
> > 
> > Most likely they are your 'structural formula'. 

The word for that would be 'Rakennekaava'. The word for 'chemical
equation' is 'Reaktiokaava'. I'd imagine the chemists want to enumerate
both, but don't know which one is more common if only one is supported.

> > > > 
> > > > "List of Listings"
> > > > "List of Program Listing"
> > > >   
> > > > -> Ohjelmalistaukset  
> > 
> > They are program code.

Right, so the 'ohjelmalistaukset' sounds more reasonable. I'm a
computer engineer myself and don't associate the word 'listaukset' with
program code. I can only guess the connection by knowing that the
package 'lstlisting' exists.

 - Jari-Matti

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