Am 05.04.2018 um 03:02 schrieb Richard Kimberly Heck:

It is not true that people don't trust you, and it really isn't helpful
to phrase it that way. This is not an issue of expertise, experience, or
anythinng of that sort. It's a judgement call about what to do in what
is obviously a difficult situation.

Dear Riki and Scott and all other devs,

What do I mean with expertise? I created the Win installer. I developed it over the years to iron out several issues that arose during the years. Now I encountered a difficult and severe issue. MiKTeX contains several features just because of me - they were developed for or with me and thus LyX. Therefore I know MiKTeX well. I contacted the MiKTeX developer and we developed the probably best solution. So I have the expertise to make a decision how to handle the particular problem. As I said, there won't be a solution to please every user to 100%. I pondered the different probable solutions and finally came up with something that I think would help most people the most. I had to make a decision and I decided in favor of average users without background knowledge. I decided to move info for experts to the release announcement and haven't heard yet why this doesn't suit expert users.

What you do is to question my capabilities of making a decision and thus my expertise with LyX-Win-MiKTeX and the installer concept in general

As others have explained, we work as a team here, and none of us ever
gets to make a decision all by ourselves about anything that is
important in LyX.

Sure and I did not decide about LyX but about how a certain installer page should look to overcome a problem with a third-party program that is Win-only. I think I can decide this. This is no LyX issue. It is an additional feature I provide with the installer to also take care of third-party programs. You can like it or not but this is no LyX thing. If you think so, then I will move the installer code to Github. Then it is definitely no LyX thing and we can end this fruitless debate.

have created an
installer that is as automatic as it can be. Many of the rest of us have
real doubts about the wisdom of this,

That is what annoys me. You doubt that I am wise enough to set up LyX for Windows users. If you know it better then come up with your own installer. Invest your spare time to dive into the Windows registry ocean and then create your own installer. Who sent patches to the installer until now? Not many ad that is the point. You judge me without the knowledge. Do I judge how LyX packages are built for Linux distris of for Mac? No, because I don't have the knowledge. I trust Stefan that he knows what MacOS people need and how problems can be worked around the best.


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