On 9/28/18 10:31 AM, Jürgen Spitzmüller wrote:
> Am Freitag, den 28.09.2018, 16:13 +0200 schrieb Daniel:
>> Hi,
>> I just checked the new installer. The crashing on closing the PDF
>> reader 
>> seems fixed. However,
>> 1) if one installs it over the existing version, it will create a
>> second 
>> LyX version rather than replace the current one. There will be a
>> LyX.exe 
>> as well as a LyX2.3.exe.
> I think this is a consequence of the fix for
> https://www.lyx.org/trac/ticket/11313
> The addition of the version suffix was not intended and caused several
> problems.


>> 2) the new version will not use the earlier version's user directory 
>> "LyX2.3" but rather just LyX.
> That's immediately connected to the above. However, there is a method
> in configure.py (checkUpgrade()) that is used by the Mac to copy
> contents from previous user dirs (LyX on Mac uses the version
> suffixes).

Actually, I did not mean to make that change. (The installer code
connects several such things that ought to be separated.) We do want to
have "versioned" user directories on Windows. I'll fix that over the

>> Maybe there is a reason for 1) but 
>> then the installer should tell the user to uninstall the old version 
>> first not only under the conditions mentioned in the initial dialog
>> (see attached screen capture).
> I agree. Or it should simply remove the prefixed binaries (maybe after
> a warning).

I'll have to try to figuure out how to do that. I'm surprised that the
installer simply writes into the existing directory rather than
replacing it. That almost seems like a security issue.


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