On 2020-03-06 22:06, Richard Kimberly Heck wrote:
On 3/6/20 3:24 PM, Daniel wrote:
On 2020-03-06 19:53, Richard Kimberly Heck wrote:
There is something I have always wondered here, but never really
understood. Why do WE end to install ImageMagick? Why can't we just
have the user install it, like we do on other platforms, and then
detect it via the registry, if that's what we need to do? If we were
going to use configure.py for fix broken dependencies then we can
just use it to detect them in the first place, no? There is the issue
that any installed ImageMagick will be bigger than what we ship. But
the huge benefit is that, if there's a security issue with
ImageMagick (as there sometimes is), we don't have to issue a new LyX
installer to fix it.

I'd ask the same questions about Ghostscript and Python.


I guess the difference is that there is no package manager on Windows
(and on macOS?).

Yes, of course, but we don't install ImageMagick with LyX on OSX, do we?



Actually, I am not sure about that. At least I never installed it manually on macOS. Maybe it comes with the OS then?


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