Also sprach Allan Rae:
} On Wed, 4 Apr 2001, Angus Leeming wrote:
} > No, your right. But the thing isn't sophisticated enough to deal with it yet.
} > Allan has been muttering that he's got some improvements up his sleeve.
} I have to get them compiling first,  and then I can try to transfer them
} to the new scheme and get them working again.  The improvements I have
} only affects RadioButtionGroups.  It effectively allows groups of widgets
} (buttons, inputs etc.) to be controlled by radio-buttons but still obey
} the read-only disabling of the button controller.  More of a problem of
} the button controller re-enabling things that should still be disabled.
} I got started on this to get Paragraph working properly.
} As for the problem at hand whatever_dialog.input() is meant to be the main
} interface to directing the button controller.  If there are widgets you
} don't want disabled when a document is read-only don't register it.  It
} might however be handy to expose an iterator for the read-only list so the
} list can be adjusted without having to do a complete rebuild of it.
} I can certainly see that a callback for a dialog specific extension to the
} buttoncontroller could be very handy for some fancy dialogs.  This
} callback should probably only handle stuff that the BC doesn't handle.
} That is, it shouldn't touch anything that is already handled by the BC --
} like registered read-only widgets and the R-O-A-C buttons.  Otherwise you
} should have written a dialog specific policy instead (or at least a
} general one better suited to what you need).
} ##
} A couple of things I noticed while taking a brief look at the sources:
} ButtonController.h:69
} template <class Button, class Widget>
} void GuiBC<Button, Widget>::refresh()
} {
}         if (okay_) {
} -               bool const enabled = bp().buttonStatus(ButtonPolicy::OKAY);
} -             setButtonEnabled(okay_, enabled);
} +             setButtonEnabled(okay_,
} +                              bp().buttonStatus(ButtonPolicy::OKAY);
                                                You missed a ')'.

|| Bill Wendling                        [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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