On Thursday 05 April 2001 08:41, Juergen Vigna wrote:
> On 05-Apr-2001 Allan Rae wrote:
> > -     outputs_[INITIAL] = CLOSE;
> > +     outputs_[INITIAL] = OKAY | APPLY | CLOSE;
> > 
> > This should be a safe change for both these policies.  It'd also mean that
> > after a Restore you can still press Okay or Apply without changing
> > something in the dialog.
> > 
> > Provided we do an input check on the contents of the dialog just as it is
> > being shown then we can move to the appropriate state (INVALID or
> > RO_INVALID) if the contents aren't initially valid.  I suspect we assume
> > that the contents are always valid on initial showing.
> > 
> Well we would need OKAY | APPLY only if the cursor moves to some other
> paragraph isn't it or in general if the cursor moves. We should send a
> update signal to buffer dependent dialogs but for this type of dialog we
> would need one more signal and that is a signal which activates that buttons
> if one of the parameters of the actual paragraph differs with the content
> of the actual cursor position (or in the case of the ParagraphLayout the
> paragraph we are actually in). Also it would be great to have:
> 1. A button in the Dialog to update the contents with the actual paragraph
>    (or whatever) settings.
> 2. An other way to realize this. Mayby just reopening the dialog (also
>    without closing it first) should do this. Otherwise if I want to change
>    only one thing in a paragraph I have to close the Dialog and reopen it
>    when the cursor is inside the paragraph to have the Dialog with the
>    right values.
> Comments?!

Well, the inset dialogs automatically update when you click on a new inset 
because the inset emits a signal in InsetXXX:Edit() that's picked up by the 

You could emit a signal whenever the user clicks in a new paragraph. That way 
we wouldn;t need an update button at all.

Or is this too easy?


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