Am Dienstag, dem 26.01.2021 um 10:16 +1300 schrieb Andrew Parsloe:
> English *syntax* perhaps? 

No, semantics (semasiology of "list" vs. "Verzeichnis").

> The semantics I had in mind was the division of a book into three
> parts: prelims (i.e. preliminary pages), text or body of the book,
> and end matter. Prelims is where the TOC and lists of tables,
> figures, ... go. According to the style book that was my bible during
> my former life as an indexer, Appendix, Notes, Glossary, Bibliography
> and Index constitute  end matter. In fact, seeing Appendix here has
> prompted me to transfer "Start Appendix Here" from the Document menu
> to the "End matter" submenu in my personalized

I prefer functional category over positional. TOC, LOF, LOT (the latter
two often in the backmatter BTW, sometimes even the former), indexes,
nomenclature, references and glossaries all are lists with entries that
refer to specific parts of the document. This is their common function.

The position differs historically and culturally (probably also between


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