On Tue, 15 May 2001, Allan Rae wrote:

> Sorry about that I thought I'd put a separate bundle up already and
> mentioned it before.  You can get the headers etc. at:
>       http://www.devel.lyx.org/~rae/StateMachine.tar.gz
> this doesn't include the generated doxygen docs.  I also haven't touched
> it for at least three weeks.  Probably a good time to review it all again.
> Especially the GenericController stuff which is actually about two
> revisions behind what is (or at least was) in my head.

I had an hour that I wanted to use to have a look at this stuff.

The problem is that I spent that hour trying to find out where to
start.  It seemed no matter which page I read, it seemed to require
knowledge about all the other pages!  Where should I start?

I'd much prefer a linear text describing this, or at least a more
gentle introduction with a pointer to where to begin reading...



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