On Tue, 24 Jul 2001, John Levon wrote:

> The attached patch uses libaiksaurus which in turn uses project gutenberg's english
> thesaurus. hopefully the library will support wordnet soon.
> http://aiken.clan11.com/aiksaurus/
> (the auto stuff is a bit screwed up, you might have trouble building the library on
>  anything not linux)
> comments ?

The patch has rotten a bit, but the conflicts were trivial. It was
however a pain in the ass to get AikSaurus to work, and then recompile LyX
from scratch once again (I can't believe how slow compilation has gotten!)

Anyway, now the patch works on my machine, and I think it's great. A
thesaurus is a must have in a word processor, and it's nice to see that
LyX is one of the first free Unix word processors that can get this
ability. The code looks nice, and it works beautifully.
Therefore, I think we should aceept the patch, with a few caveats.

You have a few TODOs here and there in the code. As far as I can see,
those are not mayor issues, but maybe you have done more work on them.

One small thing: The button changes from Close to Cancel once there is
something in the selection input field. However, I can't make it change
back to Close again. I'd expect it to do this, if I clear the selection
field. Also, after using Replace, I'd expect the selection field to clear 
out, and the button to change to Close.

Also, I think you should bind this to shift+F7, at least in CUA. This
is the standard key for thesaurus in Word, and thus we will follow the
lead we already do with using F7 for spellchecking.

Additionally, you should update the NEWS file, the documentation
somewhere (probably extended.lyx, but maybe Mike can be convinced to put
it in if you write it). Remember to add links to the dependent libraries.

If you have the time to make these updates, I'm sure the patch will be

Btw, general comment: what happened to the project of extending the
LaTeXConfig.lyx file into a general dependency file, not just for
LaTeX stuff, but for all general programs we rely on? We did extend the
file at last years dev-meeting in Norway, but it's not used. Jean-Marc, 
or some other configure-wizard, is it a problem to extend the configure
stuff to update such a file with information about detected programs and
libraries that LyX can use?



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