On Thu, Jul 26, 2001 at 07:00:11PM +0200, Asger K. Alstrup Nielsen wrote:

> The problem was that I had an older version of BZip2 installed. It seemed
> that version was too old for AikSaurus, but I need it for something else.
> Therefore, I installed the newest version of BZip2 side-by-side with the
> older one. However, the configure script of AikSaurus could not handle
> this kind of setup, nomatter what options I tried to give it. It always
> found the old version, and ignored the newer one.

thanks. The easiest solution would be to look for a routine only present in
the new library. What is the version number of your old bzip2 ?

> So, I think the problem could be fixed by adding a switch to the configure
> script where you explicitly tell it where the BZip header files and
> library files are placed.

... or this solution.

> a chance to see what other programs and libraries might be nice
> to have. Obviously, for libraries, the user would have to rebuild LyX
> to use them, but for things like ChkTeX and imagemagick, which are


> Also, it is very useful to have one place to list all the programs and
> libraries that LyX can use. It's quite a few these days.

this would be more a matter of documentation I think (since we need to describe
what they do and why a user might want them)


p.s. forgot to say it's really good news you've got some time for lyx again !

My wife couldn't believe what she heard, so she asked the customer,
 "What's your daughter's name?" and the Induhvidual replied,
 "Ampersand.  I don't know what it means, but I think it's a lovely
 girl's name."

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