On Fri, Dec 07, 2001 at 12:42:06PM +0100, Lars Gullik Bjønnes wrote:
> | Well, InsetText can have nested insets, so we could have "real" labels in 
> | InsetERT, real math etc...
> you are kidding I hope.

I don't think so. 

Currently, once you have decided to go to ERT land (and there are a few
reasons to do so every now and then) you are completely on your own. You
basically end up with an awful bloated text editor.

If you want a label there, well, write '\label{...}'. Not nice, you lose
all the LyX gimmicks.

Alternately, you start breaking up this into three parts ([ERT] [label]
[ERT]). Not nice either: Try to move the label one "word" to the right.
And it's a hack of course: The semantics you want is "a label somewhere
in ERT" and you got "some ERT, a label, some more ERT".

When InsetERT is basically the same as InsetText (which I did not know),
there is not even a technical reason to disallow insets there. On the


André Pönitz .............................................. [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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