On Fri, Dec 07, 2001 at 02:09:20PM +0100, Andre Poenitz wrote:

> really _used_ LyX for a while now myself), but having more red than black
> text is not unusual. And that's no abuse of ERT for something that LyX
> could do but the only way to get it done _somehow_.

That makes you a power user, therefore you don't need the frills inside of

The only time I have ever used ERT is to get title pages right, and for sloppypar

I doubt I am really the atypical LyX user who doesn't know LaTeX.


"Faced with the prospect of rereading this book, I would rather have 
 my brains ripped out by a plastic fork."
        - Charles Cooper on "Business at the Speed of Thought" 

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