On Fri, 7 Dec 2001, Juergen Vigna wrote:
> The rule is set! Before you where able to insert ANY inset inside of
> ERT text. Now we have the rule that you cannot. So we will read the
> code as described by Dekel (and we have to fix the problem reported).
> I don't think we will reinterpret good written insets to insert them
> as ERT inside the ert inset.
> We could add a feature of merge two adiacent equal insets to one, but
> don't count on that in the near future. There are enough bugs to fix and
> we have codefreeze. So this could be a new feature for a 1.2.x (x > 0)
> release and for 1.3.0.

I disagree! You start an inset with begin_inset and end it with end_inset!
for ert:  all between start and end is ert, nothing else.


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